Saturday, July 16, 2011


Good evening. I just finished the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. This book to me has made a big impact on me and made me think even more deeply of my faith. This book has also made me think of other priorities I have in my life.
As soon as I finished it I had to email one of the Pastors' at  my church. I am 100% certain that he read it and I am looking forward to a discussion with him on the book. I have been reading a lot more scripture lately and the passages I read and the thoughts behind them have somehow come full circle with me as I have been exposed to this material.
For example, tonight my family went to church and the main theme he was speaking about was God is in control. Now I have never written about materials based on faith and the more I read the more I realize how little I know. It is very exciting to be in the process to understand my faith even more.
The point is; early in the book Chan writes about God being in control. So many people these days, even myself get caught so much in the busyness of our life how we have to do this, we have to do that. But really, taking a step back, the plan has been set for us. It is up to us how we live; but I strongly believe this has been planned out long before I was even born. There is a video that talks about how 'little' we are. I definitely recommend this book to anyone.
Also in the book, which is the main topic of this piece is being lukewarm. I can't go into too much depth with this. A thought from the book really got my attention. He wrote that a lukewarm Christian is an oxymoron. This topic could be talked about for days and days. He came up with several examples of a lukewarm Christian. Because I feel so new to this topic I am going to relate this 'lukewarmness' to people in their lives.
How many people in your life that you know personally are 100% committed to something.
 I am not talking your dart league or your family. I certainly hope people are committed to their family.
What I am talking about is an absolute concrete conviction of their heart.
I talk with several people of different age groups so I enjoy watching people and hearing their stories on where they are in their life. I have been blessed to be introduced to a group of people who want to make a difference in the world and peoples' lives. This has forced me to think about what I will be leaving in this world. My legacy.
When Mr. Chan was talking about people being lukewarm he was going into the topic of picking something good over great. Something convenient over something inconvenient.
I can honestly say through the books I read and some of the individuals I work directly with it is so much fun helping people discover this.
If someone works a job or is in a career; there are not that many professions that ask those kind of questions. I am blessed to ask these questions of people. Sometimes these thoughts they have resurface from years in the past.
It is very easy to do the convenient things these days and not think long term. Thinking long term is a challenge as the media talks everyday about instant gratification, buy it now and live for the weekend. I have certainly taken a serious step back after reading this book and I am anxious to get into my next book.
Give this some thought.
Do you know what you are 100% absolutely committed to? If so, what is it and what impact will this have in the world?
Thank you for reading. God bless.