I am on a streak! It's a habit! I love doing it! Do you know what it is?
It's reading.
10 years ago I would have never said that statement nor even had the thought cross my mind. Do you know what though; the power of reading has changed my life. It has helped me in so many areas. Too many to mention in this short post.
I can remember sitting in one of my high school classes and we had time specifically devoted to reading a magazine or a book or something of value. On more than once occasion I would fall asleep trying to stay awake reading. That's what I used to think of reading.
Things have changed.
What changed? I got introduced to a group of men and women that did read and had a passion for learning. They didn't read novels or book only to entertain; they read to get informed and get better. They read to improve in all facets of their life. The would read of about faith, family, finances, freedom and friendship. Leaders like Steve Morgan got me hooked on reading.
It is hard for me to go a whole day without reading something. I can read about history, politics, religion, business and parenting. This may sound odd but I wish I could work less so I could read more. There are some other affects to reading as well, my kids love to read too. I am sure glad I picked up that habit and dropped other ones.
The LIFE business was designed to get the right information to the people that want to improve in those areas mentioned. Do you want to become a better parent or father? Do you want to improve you finances? Do you want to understand more about freedom? Maybe you want to just have a better understanding with faith. The LIFE business can help you.
What's the requirement of the LIFE business? There is only one; be hungry to learn.
I am going to end with a quote that I think is a major reason our society is going the direction it is by Ray Bradbury: "You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them."
Thanks for reading. God bless.