Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I got lucky

The Lord sure was on my side when he decided to bring Deanna into my life.

No, it's not her birthday; no, it's not our anniversary; and no this is not a special occasion.
It's about 11:46pm on Tuesday night July 2nd and I simply feel grateful.
Deanna is my wife, a wonderful wife. She is the mother of our three happy and healthy girls.
We have a 5 week old as of today and she will be getting up in a couple minutes or hours to take care of our new little one. As soon as the baby cries she is up. I think it's a mom thing.
She does it even when she is dead tired, lacking sleep, haven't eaten since I don't know when because if you are a mom I know your needs come second with a new baby or having other children for that matter.
And despite her loss of sleep and time to herself she continues to serve the girls, do all the housework, even mow the lawn sometimes and take care of this newborn.
I work a full time job and build a business in my discretionary time but she somehow fits time in to do the laundry, feed the girls, keep the house in order, give the girls a bath, put them to bed and still not complain with all the stuff she does to keep our house in order. I feel so blessed.
As I am at work during the day I know she is probably doing 25 other things I don't even know of because she doesn't ask for a thank you or keep score either. She is the perfect wife. The perfect wife for me.
And I didn't even mention that she still encourages me on a daily basis so we can be great examples for our kids too.
When the Lord decided to bring Deanna into my life I got the best deal in the world. Thank you Deanna for all that you do! I love you so much!

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